Welcome to Children's Corner book reviews from 4MBS Classic Radio FM in Brisbane. Here you will find short annotations of the children's books reviewed by Kerry Neary in Children's Corner on 4MBS, together with the details you need to find them at your favourite bookstore. Any prices shown are the publisher's Australian recommended price and may vary depending on where you shop. You are welcome to use these reviews for newsletters and the like with appropriate acknowledgement.

Apr 2, 2016

Wombat wins

Jackie French, illustrated by Bruce Whatley
ISBN: 9780732299576
RRP: $24.99

What bigger Australian name is there than Jackie French. She instinctively understands what children want to read. This is the fifth Mothball the Wombat story, in which Mothball gets tied up with people again, this time on a school sports day. She does very well in the events she ‘enters’, but whatever the event her aim is to get to the carrots first, have a scratch then sleep. One hilarious situation follows another. The contradictions between Mothball’s world and the little human’s world are delightfully amplified by the boldly funny illustrations. Yes, another Mothball winner!