Silvia Borando
minibombo (Walker Books Australia)
ISBN: 9781406364217
RRP: $17.99
Near, Far
Silvia Borando
minibombo (Walker Books Australia)
ISBN: 9781406363180
RRP: $17.99
This series of books for very young readers use very simple shapes to create playful picture book experiences. They are very colourful in bright modern tones as well, focusing on a single concrete concept. But they include silent surprise and hidden giggles that further enrich the imagination. Now you see me, Now you don’t is about colour and contrast. A number of stylised animals in different colours are shown across the pages. As background colours change Some animals even seem to disappear. Near, Far explores colours, shapes and perspective. What the reader sees in close-up may not be the same in distant view! Neither of these books have words, but they will prompt lots of discussion and made-up stories long after the book is closed.