Welcome to Children's Corner book reviews from 4MBS Classic Radio FM in Brisbane. Here you will find short annotations of the children's books reviewed by Kerry Neary in Children's Corner on 4MBS, together with the details you need to find them at your favourite bookstore. Any prices shown are the publisher's Australian recommended price and may vary depending on where you shop. You are welcome to use these reviews for newsletters and the like with appropriate acknowledgement.

Jan 14, 2017

Milo: a moving story

Tohby Riddle
Allen & Unwin
ISBN: 9781760111632
RRP: $29.99

Milo is an unremarkable dog who enjoys the company of his unremarkable friends living in an unremarkable part of town. After an unremarkable argument with one of his friends Milo is swept out of his comfort zone, into a surreal one. From here he learns it is a big world that holds many remarkable things. This ever-present other world appears in the illustrations as collaged photographs of cityscapes that contrast with the simple sketches that represent Milo’s surroundings. Yes, it’s enigmatic; you'll just have to read the book to plumb its philosophical depths.