Welcome to Children's Corner book reviews from 4MBS Classic Radio FM in Brisbane. Here you will find short annotations of the children's books reviewed by Kerry Neary in Children's Corner on 4MBS, together with the details you need to find them at your favourite bookstore. Any prices shown are the publisher's Australian recommended price and may vary depending on where you shop. You are welcome to use these reviews for newsletters and the like with appropriate acknowledgement.

Aug 22, 2014

Carnival of the animals by Camille Saint-Saens

There are several versions, some with the original Ogden Nash verses, others with an adapted commentary.

Michael Leunig wrote poems about Australian animals included Australiana sketches; the commentary is by Peter Garrett and the music played by the Australian Chamber Orchestra.

Jack Prelutsky poems (America's first Children's Poet Laureate); he also recites these on the CD. The rollicking illustrations are by Mary Grandpre who also did the Harry Potter covers for Scholastic US. Music played by the Wuerttemberg Chamber Orchestra conducted by Joerg Faerber.

Illustrated by Sue Williams, narrated by Barry Carson Turner, with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, conductor uncertain. The text not only tells the story of each movement but explains how the music tells those stories; this delightful version would be accessible to confident beginner reader.