Welcome to Children's Corner book reviews from 4MBS Classic Radio FM in Brisbane. Here you will find short annotations of the children's books reviewed by Kerry Neary in Children's Corner on 4MBS, together with the details you need to find them at your favourite bookstore. Any prices shown are the publisher's Australian recommended price and may vary depending on where you shop. You are welcome to use these reviews for newsletters and the like with appropriate acknowledgement.

Mar 29, 2015

Barky the barking dog / Ten unlucky pirates
Little Treehouse Stories

Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton
Pan Australia
ISBN: 9781743532980 / ISBN: 9781743532973
RRP: $6.99

At the moment the Treehouse books from these two icons of popular Australian children’s literature, are cult reading. But they are not easy to read with disjointed texts and intricate illustrations; that is not a criticism, just an observation and a reason that many early readers aren’t reading them. These first titles in a new series called the Little Treehouse Stories resolves that. These are stories inspired by humorous vignettes from the longer books, designed especially to entertain early readers and Treehouse tragics and published in chapter book size. Coloured illustrations are a bonus! You can guess the
stories for yourselves. Look forward to more.